is creation so important? Why does the
Bible begin the story of God’s activity in our world, and even in our universe,
with the account of creation?
wants us to understand the fundamental truth that we are no accident. Many of the leading atheists of our day would
try to drive a wedge between our understanding of God’s role as creator, and
our faith in Jesus Christ. Richard Dawkins,
perhaps the most prominent atheist in contemporary society stated the
“What you cannot really logically do is to say,
well I believe that there's some kind of intelligence, some kind of divine
physicist who designed the laws of physics, therefore Jesus is my lord and
savior who died for my sins. That's an impermissible illogicality that
unfortunately many people resort to.”
Dawkins, and others who share his beliefs, or
lack thereof, would have us think that there is no connection between a God who
creates, and Jesus Christ. The Bible
tells us otherwise though, with the gospel of John clearly indicating that
Jesus Christ ministry was one of re-creation, creating anew a world that had,
and in many ways still has, gone horribly wrong.
So what do we learn from the story of creation as
told to us by the Bible? In Genesis we
see God first forming, and then filling.
God forms first the light on day 1, then the sea and the air on day 2,
and finally the dry land on day 3. With
the formation of land, God’s reign advances from the realm of time, to that of
space as well. Imagine also the burst of
color, as the white and black of light and dark are joined by the blue of the
oceans, and green of the grass, the white of the snow, and the tan of the
desert. God has created the life-support
systems needed for animals, and for humans: light, air and water, and land. Having
formed vast habitats, God then begins to fill them with things, of both the living
and non-living sort. While he formed or
created light and darkness on the first day, on day 4 God creates the specific
lights: the sun, the moon, and the stars.
Their function is clear: to delineate between night and day, to serve as
signs of the passage of time, and to illuminate the earth. While in other ancient religions the sun and
moon were seen as gods themselves, here they are created not to be served, but
to serve. The sky and the sea created by
God on the second day are now filled on day 5 with fish and birds that God
blesses, and commands to multiply. In
the final action of creation, on day 6, God fills the land that was made on the
third day with animals, and then humans.
While there is no full-blown Trinitarian reference, the usage of “us”
seems to strongly hint at a plurality in unity.
Man is created not with a grand pronouncement, “let there be”; but with the
indication of effort befitting a masterpiece, “let us make.” Again, ancient convention is turned on its
head. While many early societies saw the
king as the image of God, humankind in its most democratic sense bears the
image of God. One does not have to
venture into a throne-room to catch of a glimpse of the divine spark, but can
see it in the face of the man or woman we pass on the road, encounter in the
market, or do business with in town. To
this crowning achievement of creation God says not only “good”, but “very good”. Finally,
we see God rest. Creation is now done,
and from now on procreation will be the method of bringing about new life. In a way, God hands over the task of bringing
about new life to what has just itself been created, and in the process invites
creation into the divine task of filling God’s created world.
a beautiful story, but at the same time it’s more than a story. It’s a story, THE story, which tells us
something about God. It tells us that
God is eternal. It is mind-blowing, and
yet not odd to ponder the fact that God is eternal. However, normally we consider only the
future, and not the past ramifications of that idea. God existed before time began, and in fact
invented time itself. God has always existed,
and will always exist, and God created humanity so that we can enjoy eternity
with Him. Our creation points to the
fact that God exists in relationship.
God is not alone as God creates.
The account in Genesis says that “Spirit of God was hovering over the
waters…” (Genesis 1:2) As God begins to create humankind, He states
“let US make man in our image.” (Genesis 1:26)
It is not until the gospel of John that we learn that Jesus, the Word, is
part of the “us”. Finally, we learn that
God creates. God creates, in that things
are brought to be out of nothingness, simply by God’s willing them into
existence. In so creating, God brings
order out of the chaos.
seen what creation tells us about God.
Does it also tell us something about ourselves? We learn that men (and women) are made in
God’s image. In a world where violence
against our fellow man seems to be the order of the day, we need desperately to
hear the words spoken by God at creation, that humanity possesses a divine
spark, and that the killing of a human is an assault against the divine image
that each person bears. Indeed, there is
something special about humanity as creation.
God clearly approached our creation differently, with a special purpose
in mind. D. J. A. Clines would say: “In
Christ man sees what manhood was meant to be…men are the image of Christ so far
as they are like Christ…this is how man, the image of God, who is already man,
already the image of God, can become fully man, fully the image of God.” It’s
easy to get lost in the words, but in short Clines is simply stating that Jesus
came to show us how to be human, and in the process how to bear the image of
this talk of the story of creation begs the question, what story is informing
your life? Do you believe that you are
an accident, a historical coincidence with no greater purpose, with no deeper
meaning for your life?
do you believe that you were created by a loving God and that your uniqueness
in creation points to a greater purpose? Do you believe that purpose is for you
to exist in a relationship with Him?
was divine, not accidental. Genesis shares the story of creation with us as an
invitation to believe that God, the Creator, is able to bring order out of
chaos, just as He brought a beautiful universe from the void. The Creator is
able to re-create as evidenced by the life of Jesus Christ and His ministry.
Why not allow your Creator the opportunity to take the mess that you have made
with your life and shape it into something beautiful?
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